Harry Potter - Golden Snitch 2


Anxious *-*
For the Anthonys gift ( if he will like and stuff... ) and one of my two new class will start tomorrow *-* But I need wake up soooo early ))): anyway I have some time to watch an zombie's movie *-* Friday? IDGAF!!! My bed is soooo much lovely. Would be better with him but you know ):
Ok, I need learn more english and try a little bit of french.
This week ran so faster!!! @ the university the things going better than last week but I need stop hang to the bar everynight or Ill be a alcoolic o_o
I've stopped to read my Lobão book. And listenning his songs. I've dreamed with him o_o'
And I've had a lot night/day dreams with Anthony but never mind.
Now I gottago. Zombie's movie are waiting for me.

xx I

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