Harry Potter - Golden Snitch 2


Dont depend by anybody else, just you. People come in n come out of your life but you cant escape itself so people who go but just try to not lose your ground. It hurts we all know that when you squeeze the heart and eyes filled with tears is a sign of suffering but you resist you can overcome even those who made you feel the worst person in the world. Time passes, the clouds in the sky is falling apart and redoing all the time so dont try to see a heart, this cloud that has vanished long ago. I prefer to hide among the half reality of others, and hear what each has and gain strength, than to lock myself in within four white walls and empty, without memories. People will judge you out there, they will insult you but these people are the ones who locked themselves and dont leave the happiness have a smiled and just wanting attention, wanting you also stop smiling. Dont pity those poor bastards, they learn on their own over time, or maybe dont learn, but nobody can force change, they must accept that they are poor creatures without feelings. Promise then, that smile will be your reason to continue, your reason to live.They plague other people, trying to carve out feelings that are often lacking within themselves, sometimes trying to carve out feelings in others and they believe they are helping them, but the truth is that so much 'shake' and 'poke' the heart comes outbadly injured, and the person takes too long to hoist it again. People love and suffer for love. But there's no way to change that, it is also wrong that is learned, it is useless to disagree. Suffering hurts, but numbs the soul, the heart and calcified. I'm glad when I see that I'm slowly getting stronger, happier, what I dreamed for me, letting people affect me less and less, and letting me live a little more day by day. Of course it takes a while, of course I get hurt a lot trying to be less idiot. And you know I know I'll never be a 'tough' but at least I will not be 'silly' with time. I'm getting ready for any obstacle that comes in front of me, may come either, even though I dont know if I will beat the bat on the enemy and kill me, or give the breasts and overthrows him, that's why I try. Silly girls get hurt often and do not recover, mature girls are also often hurt, but recover soon, and getting smaller and smaller the number of falls. Get up or down, that is the question my friend.Which one do you think is best? Perhaps if Madame, face the enemy, upon the Pumps. Maybe if adventurous, get off the stilettos and chase you who struck the heart. You see how everything depends on you? How it all depends on who you are or not? Dont follow advice, just listen to them and draw your own conclusion. Because each has its own life, each has their own choices, and nobody can know what the right decision to take, just you girl, then this raises the chin, you wipe the tears that blur the makeup and let the sun beat down your face, smile.

Isabela xx

[02:45:37] Anthony Pell: <3 this is how i feel. <3 make me think of you so much
[02:46:12] Isabela Carapinheiro: i just wat hold u on too tight
[02:46:46] Anthony Pell: you can hold on as long as you want and i will never let go.
[02:47:11] Anthony Pell: Aww
[02:47:13] Anthony Pell: dont cry
[02:47:18] Anthony Pell: I dont want you to cry
[02:47:19] Anthony Pell: =(
[02:47:24] Anthony Pell: I feel bad now
[02:47:32] Anthony Pell: I never want to see you cry
[02:47:37] Isabela Carapinheiro: im happy
[02:47:57] Anthony Pell: well as long as they are happy tears
[02:47:59] Anthony Pell: <3
[02:48:39] Isabela Carapinheiro: you are the best thing was happened to me since ever
[02:48:52] Anthony Pell: <3 i always be
[02:49:02] Isabela Carapinheiro: sorry
[02:49:06] Isabela Carapinheiro: for crying
[02:49:13] Isabela Carapinheiro: i look like an idiota
[02:49:39] Anthony Pell: No you look beautiful

Isabela x

Dont need to understand

How can i explain about it? My hands shaking and have butterflys moshing in my stomach!!!
He got my gift and a, he liked. Or he just told me that to make me feel ok. :P
Im soooo happy! Really o_o
So, I gotta go to the university and to the bar :P

sabela x

Awkward moment when you stop to think about the past, be nostalgic and starts to cry a lot, remembering how good was and why this time was gone.
Realize that you really need grow up when a friend say 'i want crush you and bite ur cheek' instead to say something like how sexy you looks or something like that. Or you just lose all your friends cuz everyone now had a relationship, a job what need a lot of they or another new friends more important than you.
Just Sayin'

Isabela x

Até quando será natural o desrespeito ao próximo?

Natural a ignorância das pessoas, se elas querem ser pobres mentalmente, não sou eu que conseguirei corrigir. Natural um querer ser mais que o outro.

Certa tarde no metro, eu estava normalmente seguindo meu caminho para a faculdade, ouvindo uma música no meu ipod e normal, encontrei um casal gay que parou ao meu lado. Eles se abaçavam, conversavam normalmente e até testavam alguns selinhos.

Como desceria em duas estações, atravessei o vagão e fiquei em fronte a porta.

Ai que aconteceu.

Na troca de uma música eu escuto um burburinho vindo do canto oposto, algo como xingamentos, sacaneando. Parei pra prestar atenção na conversa e detecto alguns garotos ( dando pra notar claramente que eram garotos desprovidos de qualquer inteligência humana, pobres de espírito!) chamando o casal de baitola, que deveriam apanhar pra virar gente.

O resto eu não agüentei ouvir, sai andando em direção deles e parei de frente, encarando-os. Ao mesmo o casal sai do vagão e simplesmente desiste de ficar naquele lugar.

Olhei para um deles e sorri:

- Muito bonito. – insira palmas aqui- Desse tamanho e só se garante no meio dos amigos.

Acredito que eles ficaram sem entender e voltaram a conversar.

Escutei um pouco mais ao lado um cara falando pro outro:

- Que isso. Tem que esconder se não quer sofrer preconceito. Só não ‘dar pinta’.

Sabe quando o sangue sobe pra cabeça? Nossa, não sei o que aconteceu comigo mas desatei a falar como se fosse sozinha mas em alto e bom som para que todos ouvissem:

- Que isso Né?! Achar que um casal GAY tem que se esconder para não sofrer preconceito em pleno ano 2011? Já eu acho uma puta falta de vergonha esse bando de casal hetero se beijando como se não houvesse amanhã e quisessem procriar naquele exato instante. Ew. Só pra deixar claro, vocês ainda vão ter filhos e espero que essa lição seja dada, não hoje, nem amanhã mas no futuro.

Sai do metro ainda resmungando algumas coisas que não lembro. Acredito que tenha deixado a impressão de que era lésbica ou algo do tipo. Que se foda.

Me senti tão orgulhosa.

Sei que não vou mudar nada nem a mente dessas pessoas.

Apenas desabafei.

E me deixou plenamente aliviada.

Quanta ignorância. E ainda se dizem os únicos seres inteligentes.


xoxo I.

I just need do a lot of things @ day to forget about what happens. And what still be happening. But thats ok. Im soo stronger!
Tomorrow Ill wake up early, do some insanity body workout, study a little bit, shower my dogs, watch the rest of Kasper Hauser movie and go to adv @ Av. Paulista. After that go to the university. :3
So, need to be organized.
Good night.

xoxo I.
A lot of persns did why just I cant? *-*

Insanity, here we go!

xoxo I.

Anxious *-*
For the Anthonys gift ( if he will like and stuff... ) and one of my two new class will start tomorrow *-* But I need wake up soooo early ))): anyway I have some time to watch an zombie's movie *-* Friday? IDGAF!!! My bed is soooo much lovely. Would be better with him but you know ):
Ok, I need learn more english and try a little bit of french.
This week ran so faster!!! @ the university the things going better than last week but I need stop hang to the bar everynight or Ill be a alcoolic o_o
I've stopped to read my Lobão book. And listenning his songs. I've dreamed with him o_o'
And I've had a lot night/day dreams with Anthony but never mind.
Now I gottago. Zombie's movie are waiting for me.

xx I

American dream

"Well I had a dream about you and I on the beach and the sand between our toes and the water at our ankles and we were just holding eachother watching the sun go down. And then we drove home and then we ended up at this restraunt and I asked you to marry me. You said no laughed an then said yes haha."

Even in your dreams I'm such a fool!
Today Ive put his gift at the mail. Hoping he likes! I'm fucking nervous!

xoxo I.

Just need more little actions to make the sure choice. Why all that gonna happens to me? I'm sooo happy! And I need be inside the 'real world' for a while e_e Today he said to my sister 'Happy B-day' HAAH Soo cute! And I cant stop look him while he's listening music, sing or just check his emails!
So, tomorrow I'll back to run/walk. Maybe losing weight is a good idea to stop scare him. (Just kidding cuz I really think he likes me o-o or hes the greatest fake I've ever met!).
Ok, and i remebered right now i have some homework from comunication n expression FOR TOMORROW! Ok, Ill do IT. WHEN I WAKE UP. :P
Now I'll watch the last 2 awkward ep, and try to sleep.

See you tomorrow? Hope yes.

xx I.

Now Im really changed! Kind confused but Im defining my life.
kind a fucking weird everything what happened. So fast and so crushed! Im in love with all that! oh my gosh.
He's so cute and i want him here right now! to hug, listening his voice while sleep comes. I wonder how he smell or how could be hugged by him. Blé, a lot of thing to think about.
gotta go my mom yelling.

xoxo I

" Quem escreve constrói um castelo, e quem lê passa a habitá-lo."

"Mãe, você sempre de olho em mim
Às vezes, juro não reparo
Mãe, seu colo sempre ali presente
Amor, tão puro amor...
Tão raro
Mãe, perdoa minha ausência
Às vezes tenho trabalhado muito
Mãe, mas como você mesma diz
Trabalho com amor gera bons frutos
Mãe teu infinito amor
Eterno amor é tão profundo
Mãe, você parece às vezes
Que é mãe de todo mundo
Mãe agora aqui diante de você declaro
Minha vida fica mais bonita
Com você do lado, do meu lado
Te amo tanto, tanto e te agradeço sempre
E sempre que eu puder eu estarei por perto

♫ Fabio Jr -Mãe


Essa tal de mentira se tornou uma doença grudada em minha vida.
Eu cheguei a me importar com você.
Acreditei que uma hora tudo isso fosse parar e seguisse um rumo.
" My friend come first "
Segunda vez que isso acontece.
Acreditar na amizade.
Pra que? Qual fundamento?
Qual fundamento se quanto mais você acredita na pessoa, mais ela morde-te pelas costas.
Cheguei a dizer tudo que estava entalado em minha garganta.
Eu esperei. Acreditei que uma hora fosse passar.
Essa finalmente doeu mais que as outras.
Porque? Está ficando insano?
Eu cheguei a me importar com você.
... Agora já não sei qual será o sentido certo de tudo isso.

xxo I.
Essa sim deve ser uma puta profissão divertida *-*


xoxo I.